Thursday, February 24, 2011

Snorkeling in Bahia Honda State Park

Yesterday, we made the trip to Bahia Honda State Park again to go snorkeling. When we arrived, we learned the visibility was slightly better than the day before - 12 feet instead of 10 feet.

We took a  45 minute boat ride out to the reef and then got to snorkel for about an hour and a half. While we certainly saw lots of fish, the water wasn't as clear as other times we have gone.

The other thing that was different is that our captain stood perched on the deck keeping the look out for floating Man of Wars. If he saw one, he would blast on his horn three times  - that was our cue to put our heads up and see where the Man of War was so we could avoid being in that area.

It did seem like he kept blasting his horn a lot, so it wasn't quite as relaxing as previous trips. He made a big point of the fact that you wouldn't want to get stung by one of the Man of Wars!

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