Thursday, February 17, 2011

A Low Key Day . . . in Paradise

Today was truly the kind of day Greg has dreamed of for months . . . .  low key, not any plans, a chance to putter and just relax. We decided to not go anywhere, but just hung around the campsite. Greg worked on his short list of motor home tasks and I did a lot of reading. I absolutely love to read, so spending all day reading a good book is a treat.

At 4 p.m. we rode the other direction on the bike trail into the tiny town of Layton - it basically consists of two small convenience stores. If felt good to get on our bikes again and we were none the worse for wear after the long ride yesterday. Greg also got the kayak that we borrowed from our friends into the water.

At the end of the day, Greg cooked dinner while we listened to MPR news. Note the shelf that Greg built that hangs between the two cab seats when we're not driving. The Mac computer and speakers serves as a computer, speakers for music from our Ipod and also as a movie screen (if we decide to watch a movie). The Virgin Mobile wireless hub is working just great, so we can get on the Internet easily.

I know that this whole set-up hardly qualifies as "camping," but believe me, it is the best of both worlds. We are out in nature all day, but then can come in and connect with family, friends, and the world.

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